Limitless: My action plan to learn anything faster, by Jim Kwik – A Book Review

Are you having trouble remembering people’s names or learning a new language? Or maybe you wish to be able to read faster to absorb much quicker any new content you consume? Do you think you aren’t capable of improving your learning abilities? Are you having difficulty preparing for an exam or an important meeting? Do you always have to read your notes when giving a presentation to a large audience? If you answer YES to any of these questions, check out the review of the latest book I just read: Limitless from Jim Kwik!

My action plan to boost my longevity: Becoming Super Human, by Dave Asprey – A Book Review

In this blog post, I go over the book Super Human by Dave Asprey. I discuss what the book is about, what is my takeaway from it, and the specific action items I implemented after reading it. Do you ever feel busy but not productive? Are you interested in living a healthy and long life? Do your day-to-day activities greatly add or remove years in your life? Maybe you should then consider reading Super Human!

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown – A Book Review

Do you ever feel busy but not productive? Do you easily say yes simply to please & without really thinking about it? Do you wonder: “Why did I sign up for this?”. Maybe you should then consider reading Essentialism!

In this article, I will be going over the book from Greg McKeown that I read in March 2020. I discuss what the book is about, what is my take away from it, and the specific action items I implemented in 2020 after reading it.

Our Top 5 Airbnb Stays Around the World

For the past 18 months of our nomadic journey, we basically lived full-time in AirBnB apartments apart from visiting family. That means a total of 17 AirBnBs in 17 cities and 8 countries. That’s a lot of bookings, making ourselves at home and enjoying beautiful places. Since our stays aren’t just a quick weekend but our homes for at least a month, we want to make sure our apartments are not just good but amazing! We prioritize level of comfort, the location, an awesome kitchen, ideally a view and of course the budget we want to stay within. 

We’ve gotten so good at finding temporary homes that we share our best tips to find the best and most affordable AirBnB homes in our ultimate Airbnb money-saving guide

In this article, we will be going over our top 5 AirBnB homes along with many pictures and of course the cost. Accomodation is one of the big three expenses categories people have (along with food and transportation) but it can also be quite affordable to live in beautiful places. The same quality of apartments in San Francisco, where we were living before, would have been ridiculously expensive. Are you ready to see some of our amazing homes around the world? 


International phone plan options for travel – Google FI Review

As we embarked on long-term nomadic travel and thought about giving notice to our apartment in San Francisco, we had to figure out a few things. One was what to do with the stuff we’ve accumulated over the years (Our answer: to embrace minimalism. Another was what to pack to sustain long term travel (Our answer: to travel carry-on only). Another was how to handle all the physical mail we used to received while being overseas (Our answer: to subscribe for an online snail mail service).

Today we keep going down our list and will be talking about wireless services as it become quite hard to imagine how someone could navigate the world without having a functioning mobile device in his/her pocket. In this post, we will be going over the reason why we believe it is critical to have connectivity while traveling long term, which services we’ve been using since we started our journey, what are the alternatives and which option we recommend whether you want to travel the world long term or simply stay in the US.


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