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Here are resources to help you design your best nomadic life


We interviewed dozen of people that have design a life on their own terms to show that everyone can achieve this.

Lifestyle Design (Our Why)

We talk about why we are doing what we are doing and the lifestyle we designed for ourselves.

Behind the Scenes (Our How)

We share everything we do to live nomadically. From how we save to how we are tracking our spending.

Spending Reports (Our Numbers)

Want to know everything we spend?
Check out our annual spending reports.

Cost of Living Worldwide

Want to know how much it costs to travel to a given city? We share our expenses in these detailed reports.

Travel Resources

This is our curated set of resources that will help you get the most of your nomadic journey.

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Travel Tool

Our FREE travel tool lets you manage your budget as a nomad so you can enjoy every moment of it.

We made work optional
to slow travel the world full-time

About Us:

We are a nomadic couple coming from both France and the USA, who embarked on early retirement in their 30s.

Our Journey:

In 2018, we decided to let go of most of our possessions, bid farewell to the busy life in San Francisco, and bid adieu to our nine-to-fives jobs. This marked the beginning of our endless adventure, as we set out to explore the world at our own pace.

What We’re All About:

This blog is a testament to the valuable lessons we’ve learned during our nomadic journey and the intricacies of crafting a life that resonates with our true selves. Our mission is to ignite inspiration in others and empower them to live the life they’ve always dreamed of.

Our Travel Milestones:

Since the outset of our journey, we’ve hopped from one captivating location to another, making our way to numerous destinations. As of July 2023, our travel map showcases our footprints in 48 different locations spanning 18 diverse countries across 4 continents.

Demystifying Travel Costs:

A common misconception is that travel is an expensive endeavor. However, during our inaugural year of nomadic exploration, we dispelled this notion by managing our expenses to an astounding total of total of $28,628, which averages out to a mere $38 per day per person (that is 50% of what we used to spent back in California). This frugal approach allowed us to appreciate that we could “Travel the world for less than the cost of staying home!” Our blog is a treasure trove of detailed cost-of-living reports that demonstrate how this can be achieved.

Check out all the places we’ve been since we started our nomadic journey

Feeling inspired but doubting if it’s within your reach? Well, you’re in the right place. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, so we’ve had conversations with like-minded couples and individuals to prove that crafting a life you love is accessible for all. (Find more in the next section.)

Are you still waiting to embrace a life you truly love?

We've conducted interviews with numerous couples and individuals who made the choice to craft a life on their own terms. If you're still skeptical about the feasibility of designing a life you love, delve into their stories!

Permanent Residency in Taiwan in less than 3 Years

As Featured In

Recent blog posts

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Driving in Japan: What You Need to Know

Driving in Japan with a foreign license requires either an International Driving Permit or a JAF-translated license, depending on your country of origin. In this guide we give you an easy way to figure out how to make sure you can drive legally in Japan as a tourist

[Interview #029] From Stability to Adventure on the Road Less Traveled: A Couple’s Quest for Freedom and Fulfillment

This interview introduces Helen and Tim, a dynamic couple who have embarked on a journey of full-time travel. Motivated by concepts like Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE), Helen and Tim meticulously saved and strategized to make their dream a reality. Their story underscores the significance of financial preparation, overcoming limiting beliefs, and embracing a life of adventure while maintaining financial stability.

Ski Trip Guide In Nozawa Onsen Japan

Embark on a snowy adventure as we explore the charming village of Nozawa Onsen in Japan. From thrilling ski slopes to rejuvenating hot springs, follow along for an unforgettable journey you don't want to miss!

Vietnam Tourist Visa Mastery: How to avoid Scams

Staying in Vietnam has become much more convenient thanks to recent changes introduced by Vietnamese Immigration. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of applying for a Tourist Visa, which permits stays of up to 3 months in Vietnam. Additionally, we'll provide tips on how to avoid common scams during the application process.

Thailand Visa Mastery: How to Secure 3-Month Stays for Tourists

Staying in Thailand for a few months can be challenging due to the restrictive Visa Exemption policies. In this guide, we'll show you how to apply for a Tourist Visa that allows you to stay up to 3 months in the country, enabling you to fully immerse yourself in Thailand's rich culture, beautiful beaches, and delectable cuisine!

2023 End of Year Travel Rewards Report

Uncover the secrets of Travel Rewards! Dive into our strategies, earnings of 513K points, and redemptions worth $7,354 in 2023 alone! Learn how to travel for less and plan your adventures with almost "free" travel money! What are you waiting for?


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