Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals on our favorite essential items (2021 Edition)

As aspiring minimalists, we don’t extensively buy stuff and rather focus on experiences. However, we are savers that can’t pass on a good deal especially for an essential item we needed to buy anyway. This makes Black Friday sales the perfect time to make these thoughtful purchases as they are usually heavily discounted. The key here obviously is “essential item”.

Since everyone will likely be looking at deals online (especially in 2021 – a strong year for online deliveries), we decided to put together a list of our favorite slow travel essentials items that we have found discounted as part of the 2021 Black Friday season.

Detailed Look at Quarterly Blog Income Report – Q4 2020

If you’ve been reading our blog, you know how much we love numbers and since we ourselves enjoy reading about others’ blog income, we thought we would share our blog income on a quarterly basis.

Since we are still a modest blog, our numbers won’t blow your mind but you might be interested to see that there is still a bit of income trickling in that requires little effort to maintain once they have been properly set up. And you might also appreciate seeing how much progress we have made overtime.  

Don’t be fooled though! Living off a blog requires a LOT of work that includes:

  • publishing quality content on a regular basis (consistency is your friend) 
  • promoting your content (and your identity) on other platforms that will help amplify your story (ie. guest posts, podcast interviews…). 
  • building a newsletter to get your 1000 True Fans (a concept Kevin Kelly talk about in his book: 1000 True Fans: Simple Idea to Earn A Living Doing What You Love.)

This is why you should first and foremost blog about things you are passionate about before thinking about how to monetize your content.

In this article, we explain how we monetize our blog, what works, what doesn’t, and how much we made in the last quarter of 2020 (which covers the period from 10/1/2020 to 12/31/2020). Are you ready to dive in?


Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals on our favorite essential items (2020 Edition)

As aspiring minimalists, we don’t extensively buy stuff and rather focus on experiences. However, we are savers that can’t pass on a good deal especially for an essential item we needed to buy anyway. This makes Black Friday sales the perfect time to make these thoughtful purchases as they are usually heavily discounted. The key here obviously is “essential item”.

Since everyone will likely be looking at deals online (especially in 2020 – a big year for online deliveries), we decided to put together a list of our favorite slow travel essentials items that we have found discounted as part of the 2020 Black Friday season.

Detailed Look at Quarterly Blog Income Report – Q3 2020

If you’ve been reading our blog, you know how much we love numbers and since we ourselves enjoy reading about others’ blog income, we thought we would share our blog income if you’re curious and considering starting your own.

In this article we explain how we monetize our blog, what works, what doesn’t and how much we made in the third quarter of 2020 (which covers the period from 7/1/2020 to 9/30/2020).

Detailed Look at Our First Blog Income Report – Q2 2020

If you’ve been reading our blog, you know how much we love numbers and since we ourselves enjoy reading about others’ blog income, we thought we would share our blog income if you’re curious and considering starting your own.

In this article we explain how we monetize our blog, what works, what doesn’t and how much we made in the second quarter of 2020 (which covers the period from 4/1/2020 to 6/30/2020).

Year 2 Nomad Travel Spend Report – Still half the cost plus unexpected pandemic change of plans

It’s been 2 years since we got married, got rid of all of our stuff and left San Francisco to become nomads and slow travel the world! Year 1 was amazing, we were living out our dream lifestyle to see the world and staying in some really cool cities. Plus, we were able to do all of that for half the cost of living at home in San Francisco. Coming into year 2, we were becoming seasoned nomads and getting into a rhythm of enjoying new places, eating delicious meals, exploring nature, settling into monthly apartments and even making new nomad friends. We learned a lot from year 1 and applied similar money saving techniques such as booking long-term Airbnbs and using airline reward points. We had exciting plans for 2020 but like the rest of the world, we had to quickly adjust when the pandemic hit in March. As a result, we became grounded nomads and had to decide where we wanted to wait things out for the last 4 months of year 2. This also involved canceling a lot of flights and Airbnb bookings.


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