[Interview #002] Fully Appreciating Life Through Slow Travel

We stumbled upon Ali & Alison’s journey through their instagram feed and we immediately connected with them. They are like-minded people that decided to embrace nomadic living as part of their lifestyle and this is why we decided to reach out to them to write this interview.

Both Ali & Alison grew up in the US and met each other in 2004 in Seattle, Washington. Back in Seattle their typical day revolves around work since they were both gone for their jobs 50-60 hours per week.

They had their wake up call when Alison ran their numbers against the typical FIRE calculation of 25x annual living expenses in July of 2017 and realized they had reached their financial independence number. By becoming nomadic they can now separate themselves from their career-focused lives and the urge to participate in lifestyle inflation. They have taken their curiosity to explore new places, which used to be funneled into a vacation just once every 2 years, and made that into their full-time lifestyle.


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