Weekend Guide – Mont Tremblant, Québec

Whether you are planning a trip to Quebec or are currently living in Quebec, Mont Tremblant can make from a great weekend getaway. Mont Tremblant is a really cute town in the Canadian province of Québec set within the Laurentian Mountains. It’s 2 hours away from Montréal (80 miles) and 4 hours away from Quebec City (230 miles).
Mont Tremblant was actually one of our favorite getaway when we spend 7 weeks in Quebec City as we’ve got plenty of nature time there! So let’s go explore Mont Tremblant for one weekend!

Cost of our nomad living in Quebec City

Quebec City was the second major stop on our trip to Quebec Province after 4 weeks in Montréal! While the city lacks the vibe of Montreal, it has an impressive historic downtown and ended up being a great stop to let us explore the surrounding attraction Quebec City has to offer. Let’s look into what we liked the most, what we recommend, as well as the details about our budget and how the two of us spent just under $2000 per month. Let’s go explore Quebec City!

Cost of our nomad living in Montreal

Montreal was the first stop of our new nomadic lifestyle. From weekend festivals, amazing food and plenty of sights to see, our 4 weeks zipped by! Let’s look into what we liked the most, what we recommend, as well as the details about our budget and how the two of us spent less than $2000 for our entire stay! Let’s go explore Montreal!


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