International phone plan options for travel – Google FI Review

As we embarked on long-term nomadic travel and thought about giving notice to our apartment in San Francisco, we had to figure out a few things. One was what to do with the stuff we’ve accumulated over the years (Our answer: to embrace minimalism. Another was what to pack to sustain long term travel (Our answer: to travel carry-on only). Another was how to handle all the physical mail we used to received while being overseas (Our answer: to subscribe for an online snail mail service).

Today we keep going down our list and will be talking about wireless services as it become quite hard to imagine how someone could navigate the world without having a functioning mobile device in his/her pocket. In this post, we will be going over the reason why we believe it is critical to have connectivity while traveling long term, which services we’ve been using since we started our journey, what are the alternatives and which option we recommend whether you want to travel the world long term or simply stay in the US.


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