
Pros & cons of a nomadic lifestyle

About a year ago, we decided to quit our regular jobs, give up our lovely apartment in San Francisco and sell all of our possessions to become nomadic and enjoy travel as part of our lifestyle. We have been embracing slow travel, minimalism and a nomadic lifestyle for a year so we thought that it was a good time to reflect on this past year. In this blog post, we will discuss what we love as well as the challenges we encountered through our journey hoping this will give you a full perspective if you are interested in pursuing this lifestyle. 


Our origin story: how we decided to become nomads

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we are aspiring minimalists that have decided to sell most of our possessions in 2018 to make the world our home and nomadic travel our new lifestyle. As part of our journey, we became big proponents of the slow movement and have incorporated it into our lives beyond slow travel by embracing slow food and slow living which have made our lives more meaningful and fulfilling.

In this article, let’s slow down (pun intended) and take a step back to talk more about our origin story. Where do we come from individually, what brought us together, what led us to decide to leave most of our possessions behind us to become perpetual nomads and where do we see this new lifestyle leading us.


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