Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals on our favorite essential items (2020 Edition)

As aspiring minimalists, we don’t extensively buy stuff and rather focus on experiences. However, we are savers that can’t pass on a good deal especially for an essential item we needed to buy anyway. This makes Black Friday sales the perfect time to make these thoughtful purchases as they are usually heavily discounted. The key here obviously is “essential item”.

Since everyone will likely be looking at deals online (especially in 2020 – a big year for online deliveries), we decided to put together a list of our favorite slow travel essentials items that we have found discounted as part of the 2020 Black Friday season.

Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals on our Travel Essentials (2019 Edition)

As aspiring minimalists, we don’t extensively buy stuff and rather focus on experiences. Our ‘deals’ lately have looked like $1.50 Pad Thai, a $5/hour massage and a free swim in perfect blue ocean waters. However, we are savers that love a good deal and if there is an essential we needed to buy anyways, Black Friday sales are a good time to make that thoughtful purchase.

In case you were planning on purchasing items we’ve mentioned in our packing list posts in the past, we’ve pulled together a list of items that are currently discounted during Black Friday/Cyber Monday.


Women’s carry on packing list for long-term travel – Mrs. NN Edition

We mentioned this already for Mr. NN’s Men’s packing list but it’s worth reiterating. As aspiring minimalists, we made the conscientious decision to live with less as it turns out that less is more. So when it came to packing our stuff, we decided that we would travel the world with carry-on only.

Lets face it, women have different and more challenges packing than men do. We have more toiletries, makeup, products, bags and outfits than men do. And where are we supposed to put all of our shoes?

Traveling with Purpose

Whether it is for a short 2 weeks vacation, a 3-6 months sabbatical from the office or even if travel has become your lifestyle, there is no shortage of beautiful places in the world to visit. Most of the time people will pick a destination because it is “trendy” or because one of their friends recommended it to them. Very few people will actually ask themselves what they want out of a travel experience before picking the destination after some introspection.

In other words, we rarely start with “our why” we want to travel but rather focus merely on the “what” or the “how” expecting the magic to happen once on site (check out this great book from Simon Sinek to get more insights on this topic).

This lack of self examination can lead to dissatisfaction in many areas of life. Like going to college, getting married, buying a house or even having kids without asking ourselves first and foremost if these are things we really need to live a truly fulfilled life. 

In this article, we will explore why it is important to travel with purpose and provide some ideas to get you started. If you’re seeking some inspiration and want to go beyond checking off a travel itinerary, this post is for you!


Year 1 Nomad Travel Spend Report – Traveling the world for half of the cost of staying home

When we decided to get married and sell everything to travel the world, we knew that this new lifestyle was going to be fun, exciting but also cheaper than staying at home. What we did not know was how much cheaper it was going to be to live a very high quality of life where we would enjoy the local food scene, cook amazing meals, take regular getaway trips, spend time in nature, attend local shows/festivals and everything else you get the freedom to do when you decide to travel the world slowly.

As we are closing our first year of nomadic travel, I am digging into our finances to answer this question and the results are pretty exciting. In a nutshell in the last 12 months, we slow traveled to 10 locations in 5 countries for about half the cost of living in San Francisco. But more than reducing our spending, geo-arbitrage let us rebalance our expenses towards activities that we enjoy the most, spending more time with our respective families, living a less stressful life and exploring new places in the world.

So let’s dig into our spending report for our first year of nomadic living!


International phone plan options for travel – Google FI Review

As we embarked on long-term nomadic travel and thought about giving notice to our apartment in San Francisco, we had to figure out a few things. One was what to do with the stuff we’ve accumulated over the years (Our answer: to embrace minimalism. Another was what to pack to sustain long term travel (Our answer: to travel carry-on only). Another was how to handle all the physical mail we used to received while being overseas (Our answer: to subscribe for an online snail mail service).

Today we keep going down our list and will be talking about wireless services as it become quite hard to imagine how someone could navigate the world without having a functioning mobile device in his/her pocket. In this post, we will be going over the reason why we believe it is critical to have connectivity while traveling long term, which services we’ve been using since we started our journey, what are the alternatives and which option we recommend whether you want to travel the world long term or simply stay in the US.


Cost of our nomad living in Aruba: Staying in paradise for 4 weeks can be cheaper than staying at home

Staying for a month in paradise on a Caribbean island costs tens of thousands of dollars right? We assumed it can only be affordable for 5 days or 10 days max unless you are a gazillionaire and it’s probably only worth it for a special occasion like a honeymoon. We never heard of any digital nomads or slow travelers going there, so it must not be practical. Well we have some good news for you, it is very doable and can be cheaper than staying at home! Are you ready to go explore Aruba?

Top tips to save money & score great deals on Airbnb – Our Ultimate Guide

Accommodation usually represents the largest expense while traveling for extended period of time. Did you know you can reduce significantly this expense by using Airbnb? In this post we explain how we use Airbnb to find amazing rentals, why and how we introduce ourselves to the host, our best tips to get us the best stays at the best price through the Airbnb platform and more…


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